Sunday, January 9, 2011

New Year's Resolutions!

With the new year upon us, Brittney and I are all set to conquer the world! While our Christmas break was spent mostly in Provo (with me working at Best Buy and Brittney pulling her hair out back at our apartment!), we stole away for a week to be with our loved ones in Sunny California! Our drive through Donner Pass was horrific (driving 20 mph in a blizzard, "Okay Brittney, you look out your side window, and I'll look out mine; tell me when we're getting close to the wall.") but we made it safely to our destination (Tracy, CA this time) and a day early to surprise our mothers :)

We had lots of adventures and received many thoughtful gifts, but in a crazy coincidence, both of our mothers looked long and hard to find us a Flip camcorder.

...which we took to mean, "Hey guys! Take more videos of your life and share with us because we miss you!" So that is our New Year's Resolution: to record our lives, edit the video, and share with those we love.

How will we do it? On facebook, in emails, and right here on this blog. Our tentative goal is to upload at least one video every week this year. So stay tuned!

Here's our first offering: A compilation video of our co-ed soccer team, The Awesome Whistles, and our first game. Enjoy!

January 7th, 2011, a joint task force of assassins unite, representing the fabled Whistle Tips and already legendary Team Awesome. The ensuing onslaught of goals, moves, skills, and complete domination left onlookers stunned--mouths agape.

12-0 read the scoreboard. Game over.


  1. Awesome, you whistley toppers saucey little cuties! Can your name be any more complicated?? LOVED the video. No shots of Kayla in goal? That would be worth the footage! Love you guys...thanks for keepin' us in the loop! (BTW, don't know how to sign as this isn't Becca, it's Mom!)

  2. Hahaha! Mom, we gotta get you your own log-in name! You can do it by going to and creating an account (then you could even do a blog for our family!) Also, there was one shot of Kayla in goal, she booted it the length of the field and almost got an assist to Ashley (the blonde). Check it out again!
