Monday, January 24, 2011

A Clark Weekend!

Last weekend, Brittney's aunt Jodi and her husband Marshall Clark asked us to watch after 4 of their kids while they attended Brittney's uncle Jack (and new wife Jill!)'s wedding. We were delighted to have the opportunity and had a BLAST with the kids! Here's a quick video recap of our wild adventures:


  1. I loved that!!! SO great! You guys are the best baby-sitters :)

  2. Jodi and Marshall will treasure this forever.

  3. Wow, you guys will be there soon enough... yeah, i know, that's what we said, and guess what, yep, out of school with 2 kids and a mortgage payment.
    You'll do great though!

  4. yayyyyyy!!! i loved it! lovin that sweater jacob! oh and ali is so freakin cute! they're all so grown up. i can't believe it!!! oh and the song is one of my favorites. :) also i liked brittney and owen's face expressions... they were pretty great.
