Tuesday, October 28, 2014

Calvin is 3!

Calvin's 3-year-old interview:

What is your favorite color? green
What is your favorite toy? cars and trucks
What is your favorite fruit? bananas
What is your favorite TV show? Mickey Mouse Clubhouse
What is your favorite thing to eat for lunch? peanut butter sandwich - no jelly
What is your favorite outfit? soccer shirt
What is your favorite game? soccer and hide and seek
What is your favorite snack? cheese crackers
What is your favorite animal? dinosaurs
What is your favorite song? foolish man and the wise man, wheels on the bus go round and round
What is your favorite book? cat in the hat
Who is your best friend? Max McKinnons and Rocky Van Vleet
What is your favorite cereal? cereal squares
What is your favorite thing to do outside? run around and ring around the rosie
What is your favorite drink? milk
What is your favorite treat? donuts
What is your favorite holiday? Halloween - eat candy and jump & slide in the jump house (Waldrip party)
What do you like to take to bed with you at night? blue snowflake blanket
What do you like to eat for breakfast? cereal 
What do you want for dinner on your birthday? spaghetti
What do you want to be when you grow up? Dad

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