Monday, June 16, 2014

Our Birthday Weekend

Jake's Birthday: June 13th

We enjoyed Jake being home after work/post-workout to enjoy some birthday celebration. For his birthday dinner he wanted a SALAD. Did you here that folks? A healthy, chicken salad. I guess turning 26 makes him older and wiser about many things, including food choices. 

After dinner, we enjoyed some cupcakes that were made by our little man, CALVIN! Of course, I helped him measure the ingredients, but he did the rest. He's a great little helper. He especially had fun licking the batter and putting sprinkles on the frosting. Calvin loved setting up for Dad's party with lots of balloons and wrapping his presents. He was really excited for Dad's birthday.

Our 'Tween Day: June 14th

This day has always been fun for Jake and I to celebrate because it's the day between our birthdays. We usually do more celebrating on our 'tween day than on our actual birthdays. It's fun sharing the fun festivities with my best friend :)

In the morning, we went to a movie showing hosted by Disney through Jake's work (Best Western). It was fun taking Calvin to a kid-friendly movie where he played with glow sticks and ate lots of popcorn & fruit snacks. 

...Unfortunately, the movie was a bit old for Calvin. 2/3rds way through the movie, he was ready to get up and move around. He and Jake discovered the arcade and played there through the rest of the movie.

After the movie, we headed to our favorite burger restaurant: Zinburger. We all know how Jake LOVES hamburgers: anytime, anyplace, any day. However, I'm not at all the same way. Jake discovered Zinburger near his work and knew that I would love it. And I do! Those burgers are the best I've ever had. Unfortunately, I can never eat a burger anywhere else ever again.

While we waited to be seated, Calvin loved exploring the shopping area. He ran through the overhead misters, played in the water fountains, and collected lots of leaves. This is Calvin so excited to show Mom a cool leaf he found.

After our delicious lunch, Chris and his girlfriend, Brittany, took Calvin to an awesome pool/splash-pad for kids while we shopped for maternity clothes for my birthday present. A much needed trip! In this over 100 degree weather, I needed some clothes that fit well and were more breezy than my Utah maternity clothes. It was so nice browsing and trying on clothes without chasing a toddler around the stores. Thanks again for helping out with Calvin, brother!

While we were out and about, we got 2 flat tires. What the heck?! The first tire had a nail stuck in it that was slowly leaking air. Jake put on the spare, but then after a few miles that old spare tire blew out completely. Unfortunately, all tire places around us had already closed up shop for the weekend (even places that were supposed to be open). That was annoying. However, we managed to get home just fine. Jake put the tire with the nail back on and added more air. As long as we kept air in the tire, it was good to drive on.

Unfortunately, due to all this tire drama, we missed out on playing soccer at our favorite indoor place: Barney Sports Complex. We were really bummed, but we made the most of it.

Brittney's Birthday/Father's Day: June 15th 

(Yay! I'm officially 19 weeks pregnant!)

By the time our 3rd day of celebrating arrived, we were pretty exhausted. We spent the morning at church and the afternoon relaxing at home. For dinner, all my family in Arizona (Uncle Brad, Aunt Janet, Cousin Teig + family, Cousin Brooke, Brother Chris + gf) congregated at Grandma and Gramdpa Campell's house for dinner and cake. It was nice to be around family for my birthday and to celebrate fatherhood to all the Dads.

After cake, we video chatted with Annelise, Jeff/Alyssa&Elizabeth, Mom/Dad&Nick. It was fun chatting with so much family in one evening.

We are so grateful for our friends and family that made us feel special this past weekend. Thank you for all the birthday wishes! 


  1. Ummmm I am pretty sure you guys also woke up in a new Bugatti this weekend.....

    1. Haha! We did! I didn't include presents in the post. But I should post a video of Jake and Calvin playing. Those two are hilarious when they play together.

  2. Looks like a fun weekend. Happy birthday to both of you. you are one cute mama, Mama Bean! (don't know if you'll ever not be Mama Bean to me… :) ) I'm excited for this baby of yours! Do you know boy or girl? When do you find out? I'm also kind of excited to have babies close together!! :)

    1. Wow, I'm just seeing this for the first time. Sorry for the late reply! I didn't know what we were having back in June, but we know now! It's a boy!! I'm excited to have babies close together, too :) Too bad we live so far away from each other!! What's up with that? Haha. I miss you! I hope one day our boys will meet! Love you!
