Friday, January 24, 2014

Calvin thinks he's done with naps...

Every day I fight with Calvin to take a nap. He definitely still needs still needs one a day so that he's happy the entire day. Otherwise, he becomes a crying, unreasonable monster. I mean, c'mon. How cool is his bed?! Why doesn't he want to sleep in this awesomeness?

After a couple hours of fighting his fatigue and playing (aka destroying the room) by himself, he finally crashes in the only clean space left...his closet!

I love my little munchito (little munchkin with a spanish twist). But man, he can be so stubborn! I'm sure there will be many more stubborn moments to come. Yay for the terrible-twos!


  1. If there was a like button, I would press "Like."

    1. Haha! Thanks. Soon enough you'll see his monster side, and you might not like that ;) Miss you!

  2. I want to sleep in that bed! Silly Calvin :)
