Sunday, October 16, 2011

Pumpkin Season=Baby Time!!!

It's pumpkin season!!! Which means that our baby is coming so soon!
We’re almost ready. We’ve got his crib, his glider (although, maybe that one is more for me!), his clothes, and, Jake’s favorite, a diaper garbage can that neutralizes diaper odors with nuclear power (okay okay maybe it’s just Arm & Hammer ;). We still have a few little items to go but hopefully we have time to get that done before he comes!
Calvin (yup, that seems like it will be the little guy’s name!) and I have gone on many adventures lately. We went on 6 different flights just last week! First, we went to San Diego for a conference for my Dietetics program here at BYU. The conference was great, I was exhausted walking around everywhere being 8 months pregnant, but it was so fun to see the industry and make connections.
Then, Jake joined Calvin and I to go to Washington for Jeff and Alyssa’s wedding! We spent the flights watching movies on our tablet and trying to drown out the yapping dog in the seat behind us (since when do they allow dogs on the planes???) In Washington, the Elliott’s (Alyssa’s family) had decorated their home so beautifully, in a Tuscan Italy theme with grapevines and a hand-built dance floor. It was so impressive and beautiful! On their big day, Jeff looked so handsome and Alyssa was absolutely stunning. We are thrilled for her to be apart of our family. Welcome to the Bean Clan, Alyssa!
We have a new addition to our family (besides Baby Calvin)…a new Canon Camera!! We are so excited to capture moments of Calvin’s life that will look amazing!
So stay tuned for lots of pictures and video footage of the little guy when he arrives :)

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