Sunday, May 23, 2010

Our Place

We're all moved in!! Yayyyy!! We are absolutely loving the desert. Bring on the heat, AZ! People like to warn us of the weather in the summers, but according to Jake, "We're still thawing out from Utah!" lol! -- I agree ;)

Here are some photos of our apartment area!

Having our own assigned parking spot with an overhang is sooo nice. It helps cool the car down more than I thought it would. We live on the 2nd floor (in the picture with the stairs--we're on the right side) in a spacious apartment! We definitely don't have enough stuff to fill it up ;)

My favorite part of the place is the balcony. I've never had one before! Here's Jake perched up there!

Today, we went to the dedication of the Gila Valley Temple. That was incredible! It's always a privilege to hear our prophets and apostles speak to us.

As for the rest of our peaceful Sunday afternoon, Jake and I decided to try to make a Pot Roast with our new crock pot! I was kinda bummed at first, because we didn't have a peeling device to peel the potatoes with. But Jake assured me, "How do you think I peeled a potato in Argentina?...with a knife!" So he went at it with a butter knife successfully but catastrophically. He ended up making a mess all over the sink and losing most of the potato. haha! Jake browsed around the kitchen to check if we had one...and soon enough, he found one! Yay! the potatoes have been saved!

--Gotta love the card table, eh?? ;)

Well, we'll see how this whole pot roast experience turns out...hopefully it's edible!

Stay tuned for next week

1 comment:

  1. hey! i'm not sure if we've ever met brittney but jake was in my ward at BYU. this just caught my eye because my husband and i live in AZ too and just recently moved here. where in AZ are you guys?
